How Yellow was Made
Once upon a time -
When Time itself was new -
There lived an old God,
Who was bored of boring Blue.
When He made the oceans,
'Big and Blue', he thought,
While sitting knitting skies,
He used the Blue a lot.
Now Blue was old and bored Him
Though Red and Green were good,
But He wanted something fresh -
Something cheerful while he could.
On a Green hill he sat,
And thought of petals bright,
And of breeze and of bliss,
And of the Red of twilight.
And so came to be Be
A dancing flower of Daffodil;
He created with his thoughts -
Yellow on a Green hill!
So content He was that day,
So blissful and so happy,
That dancing yellow daffodils,
Are Godly and will always be.