Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Purpose Without a Purpose

A tribute to Edgar Allen Poe

O how I hope when hope has lost!
Hoping love to get across,
A bridge of hope - the bridge of loss -
You aren't right and you aren't wrong
I lost not though I lost long;
Do I lose and do I love
With a purpose from above,
Is loss and gain the summary
Of Joy bartered for misery?
All that we do and don't
Is with a purpose without a purpose.

I first traded my song
Of joy and happiness long,
I then traded my dreams
Of orange yellow themes -
With such purpose I sought!
A life - and so dearly I bought,
Look! Look what I got!
O God! Can I not revise
My purpose and be wise?
O God! Can I not redeem
Just one last dream?
Is all that we do and don't
With a purpose without a purpose?

Above is a poem on the lines of Edgar Allen Poe's famous A Dream Within A Dream. Poe's poems have an inherent darkness, a lurking death wish. Even the happy ones do and this one - I think it should be banned like Gloomy Sunday. I am yet to read a text with more inspiration for suicide.

Almost everyone can identify with the second para, standing on a sea shore and losing sand held in one's hand - and if one has recently lost someone, then with Poe's
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! Can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?

I loved making something on the lines. Thanks Poe.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lesson for an Entrepreneur Part V

Don't lose the count

Dollars per hour
Per diem per client
Per month per hour
This invoice
That payment;

While keeping account
With skill and cunning
A crore -
A thousand,

Don't lose the count -
Life is running
A second
Per second.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Alakhnanda ( अलखनंदा )

Peace I give.
I - The giver of life.
I - The Mother.
Warm and cool
The creator am I.

Prosperity I bring.
I - The carrier of life.
I - The River.
Slow and silent
The nurturer am I.

Power I am.
I - The taker of life.
I - The Goddess.
Raw and angry
The destroyer am I.

Life I bring
Care I give
By claim. By right.

Death I cause
Chaos I make.
By claim. By right.

Privilege I keep.
I - The companion of Shiva.
I - The Goddess.
Bow before me
The Great Ganges am I.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Lesson for an Entrepreneur Part IV

While walking a greener patch
Keep the gray in view -
Remember that grays last;
Greens are far and few.

While crossing the bolder arch
The one that may not hold -
Remember how a bird falls;
Worrying, but its wings uphold.

While falling and losing fast
Keep your heart safe in place -
Remember to not blame the arch;
When you lose, don't lose your grace.

While picking up and rising again
Keep your eyes and feet steady -
Strap and tighten your gear then;
Holds are rare and slips are ready.


I got a mention in Dataquest 31st May Edition.

Here is the link: http://dqindia.ciol.com/content/industrymarket/focus/2009/109052106.asp

Apparently, in media industry, proof reading is done after publishing to the web and before publishing to the print.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Lakkhi Lost the Match

So Lakkhi lost the match
Cuz the toss came very bad
Crooked Cricket hates my Lakkhi
My Lakkhi lost the match
I Lakkhi Lakkhi
My Lakkhi Lakkhi

Seldom the ball, often the bat
Make him miss the wicket the catch
My Lakkhi won the toss
My Lakkhi lost the match
I Lakkhi Lakkhi
My Lakkhi Lakkhi

Through the ducks, through the match
Through the jingles, through the ads
I love my Lakkhi
My Lakkhi lost the match
I Lakkhi Lakkhi
My Lakkhi Lakkhi

Hi Lakkhi Lakkhi
Bye Lakkhi Lakkhi